What foods can help combat erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can make it difficult for a person to achieve or maintain an erection. Following certain diets or eating specific foods may help contribute to successful treatment.

This article examines what foods people could include in their diet to help combat ED.

A quick look at the best foods for ED:

Olive oil
Whole grains
Nuts and legumes
Herbs and spices
Meats and poultry
Leafy greens
Tea and coffee

About ED

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), ED affects roughly 30 millionTrusted Source men in the United States. A person’s chance of developing this condition increases with aging and taking specific medications, including antidepressants and blood pressure drugs.

Smoking, being physically inactive, or having a health condition such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease, can also lead to erectile function problems.

In addition, one articleTrusted Source notes that the main cause of ED is poor vascular function. As a result, the risk factors for ED are the same as those for cardiovascular disease.

Can food choice help ED?

A 2018 studyTrusted Source with participants aged 18–40 years old found that those consuming a higher amount of flavones in their diet improved their ED.

FlavonesTrusted Source are a sub-compound commonly found in fruits and vegetables. They are part of their parent compound, flavonoids, usually found in teas, fruits, and vegetables.

The concentration of flavones in specific foods, includes:

chamomile tea
bergamot juice
artichoke heads
bell peppers
However, a food’s number of flavones displays in ranges. For example, bell peppers can have 0.1–12.9 milligrams of flavones per 100 grams of fresh weight. This may indicate that the source quality of fruits and vegetables has an effect on the number of flavones in the final product.

Top foods for ED

According to research, the following foods may have properties that help to prevent or treat ED:


A 10-year prospective studyTrusted Source of 25,096 middle-aged males indicated that those who consumed the most flavonoids had a 9–11% reduced incidence of ED when compared with those who consumed less.

The authors observed that the chance of ED reduced by up to 19% in those who ate the following five flavonoid-rich berries and other fruits:

citrus fruits
A 2016 studyTrusted Source of rats looked at the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and ED. The study found that a higher intake of omega-3 helps lower physiological damage, which in turn may lower ED.

The NatioTop foods for ED

According to research, the following foods may have properties that help to prevent or treat ED:


A 10-year prospective studyTrusted Source of 25,096 middle-aged males indicated that those who consumed the most flavonoids had a 9–11% reduced incidence of ED when compared with those who consumed less.

The authors observed that the chance of ED reduced by up to 19% in those who ate the following five flavonoid-rich berries and other fruits:

citrus fruits
A 2016 studyTrusted Source of rats looked at the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and ED. The study found that a higher intake of omega-3 helps lower physiological damage, which in turn may lower ED.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH)Trusted Source lists cold-water salmon as one of the most fundamental foods for omega-3 intake. Farm-raised salmon may have slightly fewerTrusted Source nutrients as omega-3 comes from the algae, which is not common in fish farms. The levels of omega-3 in farmed salmon largely depend on what the fish eat.

For higher intakes of natural omega-3, individuals should consume more wild salmon from cold waters.

Olive oil

A 7-year studyTrusted Source of clinical trials examining the relationship between Mediterranean diets and ED lists olive oil as a beneficial ingredient.

However, the study only examines virgin and extra virgin olive oil. This could be because any oil that goes through a refinement process changes its molecular structure.

The study looks at what refining does to food oils, including olive oil. It shows that it can destroy antioxidants and omega-3 anti-inflammatory properties. This also removes the properties that could benefit ED.

Individuals who want to incorporate oils in their diets for ED and other health benefits should consider unrefined and extra virgin olive oil.

Whole grains

A 2017 studyTrusted Source also examined the effects of grains on ED.

The results conclude that a Mediterranean diet, which includes whole grains, is more beneficial to treating ED than a low fat diet.

Foods to avoid to improve ED

There are some foods that a person may wish to avoid when managing ED, including:


According to Action on Sugar, regularly eating foods that include substances considered unhealthy or drinking beverages containing sugar can lead to weight gain and a high body mass index (BMI).

An older articleTrusted Source notes that excessive body weight and an increase in BMI can lead to ED. The researchers state that in 2014, there were 8 million cases of ED that were related to diabetes and obesity.

High fat meals

People who have high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity, and those who smoke may have an increased riskTrusted Source of developing atherosclerosis. This occurs due to plaque buildup in the inner lining of the arteries.

As a result, this reduces the oxygen supply and blood flow to the organs.

In addition, according to Wayne University School of Medicine, men who have clogged heart arteries may also experience issues in the arteries that supply blood to the penis.