Why and how to solve the recent increase in ig Compulsory suspension

Recently, the number of IG forced stops is increasing.

This is suspected to be the activity of Instagram bots through ai.

Instagram says it will review it for about a day, but there are very few ways to actually communicate with Instagram.

They tell me to find reasons and solutions through the Instagram Help Center, but I can actually ask Instagram for help on any page from the beginning of 2024.

In fact, account inquiries have increased through Facebook customer centers or meta customer centers.

However, all of the inquiry pages have been closed, and Facebook and Instagram are linked, so if Instagram is suspended, the Facebook account will also be suspended, making it impossible to inquire.

You can check your Instagram account status 24 hours a day for violating guidelines, but recently, Instagram has stopped Instagram immediately without giving any warning to account management.

Users who have been on Instagram for more than 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years are not aware of Instagram’s guidelines.

If you violate the guidelines on Instagram, a notification went off, which most Instagram users are aware of.

Since the second quarter of 2024, there have been more complete suspensions of the account itself without warning, and many are angry at the environment where they can’t even inquire.

First, let’s find out about the forced account suspension, which is the representative of Instagram.

  1. No expression of hatred, bullying, etc
    Expression and inspiration are the backbone of Instagram, but they are not without limits. Instagram wants the platform to be safe for all users. Do not post content or comments that may be considered as follows.
  2. Do not post illegal content. Some content is considered illegal. You should not post content that praises or supports something illegal, such as.
  3. Don’t post blatant images. Make sure that all the photos and videos you post on Instagram are suitable for a wide audience. Instagram does not allow excessive exposure, even if the content is creative or artistic.
  4. Use only third-party apps that comply with Instagram’s guidelines. Third-party apps can be very useful for analysis, content creation, and content scheduling. However, sometimes these apps fail to comply with Instagram community guidelines, which can result in accounts being banned..Use official or approved third-party apps for your Instagram account.
  5. Don’t spread the wrong information.In general, you should avoid spreading rumors or false information on your Instagram account. Take the time to double-check that all of your content is true.
    -Here are some tips. Always keep your sources in mind. Just share information from reputable and trusted sources.
  6. Don’t take and share overly sensational claims without addition or subtraction. It’s most likely not true.
  7. Check the date of the information. It may already be old.

How to inquire about suspending your Instagram account

I’ve recently collected reviews and methods from people who have recently lifted their account suspension around May-June 2024.

You need to check your identity on Instagram, Facebook, or Meta through any method.

Even if the route went wrong, you can get your account back with your identification.

Instagram tells me to wait a day or 24 to 48 hours, but it actually takes about 3 to 7 days to reply to the mail.

This is information that has actually been revealed through a group of people who have been suspended.

Please contact us through our official Instagram contact information and form through the link below.